Dr. Vincent Siaw

Dr. Vincent Siaw was appointed to his present position since 2016. He joined Mermaid at the inception of its growth in 2005 and during his last 14 years at Mermaid, he performed various key roles including General Counsel, Head of Strategy and Corporate Development, Head of Investor Relations, Business Development Director and Company Secretary. Prior to joining Mermaid, he worked as a lawyer both in private practice and in-house specializing in transnational corporate and commercial transactions.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) from the Australian National University, Master of Business Administration (Oil and Gas) from Curtin University’s joint program with the Aberdeen Business School and Doctor in Business Administration in Corporate Law and Governance from the University of South Australia. He is admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in Australia and a Solicitor in England and Wales. He also graduated with a Global Executive Master of Business Administration from INSEAD.